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A cosy residence in a calm alley

La Venelle Verte is a residential appartment complex located at the edge of Toulouse, in an alley that offers a calm setting for the 35 dwellings that compose this project. Once an agricultural land, the immediate surroundings have remained untouched, retaining its natural beauty. 

The new buildings, designed in accordance with the urban development plans, set the tone for the entire neighborhood with their distinctive alignment and seamless integration with the Touch river banks' landscape.

A play of contrasts using an architectural steel profile

In the Venelle Verte residential complex, the side walls feature clean and simple white surfaces, while the façade delivers a striking contrast through the use of our JI Ouragan P30 architectural steel profile. The selection of this cladding was based on both its aesthetic appeal and its outstanding durability, thanks to steel's long-lasting performance. 

The slatted pattern of the JI Ouragan cladding imparts a contemporary and sleek character to the project, which stands out in contrast with the white dividing walls. The implementation of steel cladding guarantees the endurance of the facade, assuring a lasting impression on the urban fabric.

Beyond its striking appearance, the JI Ouragan P30 cladding also serves a functional purpose, providing excellent weather protection to the building. The steel's robustness allows it to withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as heavy rains and high winds, while maintaining its original form and appearance. 

Moreover, steel is a low-maintenance material that does not require frequent upkeep or repair, making it a cost-effective and sustainable option for the long term. The choice of JI Ouragan P30 cladding in the Venelle Verte project is a testament to the architects' and developers' commitment to designing a building that not only looks good but also performs well in its urban context.

Visit Archello or the architect's website for more information about this project. 

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